The azmp package provides three categories of data products: physical, biological and chemical variables. For a complete list of variables, use library(help = "azmpdata").

Physical variables

The physical variables include basic oceanographic variables (temperature, salinity, density) and additional derived variables such as parameters of the cold intermediate layer (CIL), sea-ice parameters (area, volume, duration and timing), sea surface height and seas surface temperature as measured by remote sensing.

Biological variables

The biological variables include chlorophyll, phyto- and zooplankton abundance, and zooplankton biomass. Parameters of the spring phytoplankton bloom as estimated from remote sensing surface chlorophyll are also included.

Chemical variables

The chemical variables include main nutrients (nitrate, silicate and phosphate).

Other variables

Other variables of relevance for multivariate data analysis are also included. They include air temperature, North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and river fresh water flux.