This function assembles a dataframe consisting of the years and areas where the azmpdata packages\'s data has been collected, as well as the associated file(s) where the data can be found.

  years = NULL,
  areanames = NULL,
  areaTypes = NULL,
  datafiles = NULL,
  months = NULL,
  doMonths = F,
  doParameters = F,
  parameters = NULL,
  fuzzyParameters = TRUE,
  qcMode = F



default is NULL. If you want to restrict the available data by one or more years, a vector of desired years can be provided (e.g. area_indexer(years=c(2017,2018)))


default is NULL. If you want to restrict the available data by one or more specific named areas, a vector of them can be provided (e.g. area_indexer(areanames=c("HL","HL2")))


default is NULL. If you want to restrict the available data by one or more area "types", a vector of desired types can be provided. Valid values for areaTypes are: "area", "section", and "station". (e.g. area_indexer(areaTypes=c("section")))


default is NULL. If you want to restrict the available data to just that contained by one or more particular azmpdata data files, a vector of the files to check can be provided. . (e.g. area_indexer(datafiles=c("Ice_Annual_Broadscale"))) A complete list of the available files can be seen by checking data(package="azmpdata")


default is NULL. If you want to restrict the available data by one or more months, a vector of desired months can be provided (e.g. area_indexer(months=c(1,2,3,4)))


default is F. If this is set to TRUE, the results will include information about what month the data was collected (when available).


default is F. Identifying all of the parameters that were collected at each combination of area/site/year is a bit more intensive than leaving them out. To force this function to do this, set this parameter to doParameters=T. If one or more parameters are provided, the function will override this default value and set doParameters=F


default is NULL. Many parameters exist - any named parameter found in any data file should work. (e.g. area_indexer(parameters=c("Arctic_Calanus_species", "integrated_phosphate_50")))


default is T. By default, any discovered parameters that match values within parameters will be returned. For example, parameter="nitrate" will return fields such as "integrated_nitrate_0_50", "integrated_nitrate_50_150", and "nitrate". If you want exact matches only, set fuzzyParameters = F.


default is F. Information about unexpected values will be shown.


a data.frame


Note that each additional filter that gets sent will reduce the number of results returned. For example, if doMonths = TRUE and years = 2010, only those results from 2010 that also have monthly data will be returned.


Mike McMahon,


if (FALSE) { allAreas <- area_indexer() allAreas_w_Parameters <- area_indexer(doParameters =T) areaAreas_2018_2020 <- area_indexer(years=c(2018,2019,2020)) some_HLData <- area_indexer(areanames=c("HL","HL2")) sections_2017 <- area_indexer(areaTypes=c("section"), year = 2017) specificParameters_2000s <- area_indexer(parameters=c("Arctic_Calanus_species", "integrated_phosphate_0_50"), year=c(2000:2009)) februaryParameters <-area_indexer(doMonths = T, months = 2, doParameters = T) }