Remote Sensing data averaged over broad regions and years.
A dataframe
Area name where data was collected
The year in which data was collected
Average surface chlorophyll as inferred from satellite (remote sensing) measurements, with a log 10 transform
Start of pythoplankton bloom, from satellite
Length of phytoplankton bloom, from satellite
Amplitude of phytoplankton bloom, from satellite
Magnitude of phytoplankton bloom, from satellite
The data can be cited as follows: Casault, B., Johnson, C., Devred, E., Head, E., Cogswell, A., and Spry, J. 2020. Optical, Chemical, and Biological Oceanographic Conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Eastern Gulf of Maine during 2018. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2020/037. v + 66 p.
biolgocial, biochemical, satellite